The Last March of Alerik is a multimedia performance piece. It is created within the vision of a soldier and concentrates on exploitation and realization of the short interim from the time he gets shot till the moment his heart actually stops. The performance is utilizes clay animation and video projections, large-scale paintings, hanging sculptures, music, lighting design as part of narrative, to tell the story of Alerik.The performance is divided into 5 sections:
1.sanguinolentus-a-um: (wounded, stained by blood, injured, blood-red)
2.dirus-a-um (fearful, horrible, frightful, scared, unlucky)
3.reminiscor-I dep:(to call to mind, recollect, remember)
4.solacium: (consolation, happiness, comfort, relief)
5.excessus-us: (departure from life, funus: a funeral, burial, ruin)
The film itself is a soldier’s birth, from dirt to blood.
Created & Performed by:
Vuk Mitevski
Gokcen Ergene
Garin Marschall